How Can CoolSculpting Help With a Double Chin? | Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery


How Can CoolSculpting Help With a Double Chin?

Millions of people struggle with a double chin, which can be even more frustrating in the era of selfies and video chats. This area is notoriously difficult to address, even with a strict diet and exercise. A double chin can result from excess fat or lost skin elasticity. However, while this problem is challenging to solve, you don’t have to live with it forever. When you have excess fat around your neck and under your chin, CoolSculpting may provide the right answer for you.

At Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery, our expert team of plastic surgeons can help you determine whether CoolSculpting is the correct solution for your double chin.

What Is CoolSculpting?

Using a process called cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting is a safe way to eliminate unwanted fatty tissue by using freezing temperatures. CoolSculpting is an innovative method to eliminate fat without the cost, lengthy recovery, and other potential risks associated with traditional liposuction procedures.

With a specially designed applicator for the chin area, CoolSculpting uses suction to hold the tissues in place to receive the full effects of the cooling treatment. In the three months following your CoolSculpting treatment, your body will break down the fat cells that make up your double chin.  CoolSculpting is also effective at improving skin laxity issues that can lead to jowls or a turkey neck.

With no downtime, CoolSculpting takes less than an hour per area and provides significant improvement for many areas of the body, including the neck and chin. CoolSculpting provides targeting and toning for patients who are already close to their ideal weight.

How CoolSculpting Can Help Double Chin

While CoolSculpting is an effective fat eliminator, it works gradually. Due to the cryolipolysis method, the fat cells freeze, die, and get filtered out through the body’s natural elimination system. However, once the cells die, it can take a few weeks or months for the dead cells to leave the treatment area.

Even though the double chin is a small area you may require multiple sessions to achieve your desired results.

Am I a Candidate?

CoolSculpting provides excellent outcomes for men and women of all skin types and ethnic backgrounds. The ideal candidate will be someone in good health and close to their ideal body weight. While CoolSculpting is not a weight loss solution, it can help you get rid of stubborn areas of isolated fat.

During your consultation, your technician will determine your candidacy, then they will personalize your CoolSculpting treatment plan, including estimating the number of appointments you need.

Choosing Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery for Your CoolSculpting

Your facial and body sculpting journey starts with a consultation with one of the renowned board-certified plastic surgeons of Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery. Partner with Ann Arbor’s best CoolSculpting providers. Contact us online today or call us at (734) 436-2186 to learn more.